
Hiring Business Critical Talent Through Video Interviews

Hiring Business Critical Talent

As the Covid-19 epidemic grows across the United States, the importance of procurement and supply chain is clearer and ever before. Organizations are working overtime to bolster their supply chains and get necessary medical and household products to consumers during these unprecedented circumstances.

For many procurement and supply chain teams, hiring managers are looking to bring on talent to help navigate through these challenges. It is an opportune moment to use technology, like virtual interviews, to get ahead of the competition to secure business-critical talent.

As a hiring manager, using video calling software as part of your recruitment process may be new territory. Get started with this recently released guide on how employers can successfully hire through video interviews. Download now to discover:

  • Why you should use video interviews

  • How to protect your corporate reputation and successfully hire

  • The advantage of using video interviews to evaluate candidates


If you would like assistance in your hiring strategies, don't hesitate to reach out.

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