โ"I certainly would not trust any AI system today to make a hiring decision on its own. The technology is just not ready yet."
Are AI recruitment tools eliminating hiring bias or making it worse? Over the years, the recruitment and hiring process has become more sophisticated. New software has emerged to supercharge hiring through automation. Free from human constraints, artificial intelligence promises to alleviate workload and increase the diversity of candidate pools. But despite what we like to believe, machines are far from neutral.
In the conclusion of the three part series, Advancing Women of Color in STEM, we take a data-dive into how artificial intelligence furthers hiring bias. Inside Machine Bias: Why AI Stands in the Way of Diversity you'll discover:
The impossible promise of artificial intelligence
Why artificial intelligence is not neutral
How facial recognition recruitment software is primed for lighter-skinned faces
The need for data-set validation and auditing for third party and in-house recruitment tools
How to avoid reinforcing human biases when using artificial intelligence